
    Blossom Geisha - Colombia

    Chuťový profil: pomarančový kvet, limetka, čierny čaj, mandarínka, vanilka

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    Cultivar: Geisha
    Process: Washed
    Flavour notes: Orange blossom, lime, black tea, tangerine, vanilla
    Producer: Finca Monteblanco
    Region: Huila, Acevedo
    Altitude: 1730 masl
    Q sore: 89 pts
    Harvest: May 2024


    Blossom Geisha


    This fully washed lot from Finca Monteblanco encloses the refined qualities of Geisha variety, featuring delicate floral hints of orange blossom and black tea, complemented by a vibrant tangerine acidity and a smooth, sweet vanilla finish. 


    Rodrigo Sanchez Valencia a third-generation coffee farmer at Finca Monteblanco. His grandfather began cultivating coffee here several decades ago and today, Rodrigo works to preserve the natural diversity and productivity of the farm.  


    Finca Monteblanco is located near Cueva de los Guacharos, one of the 59 protected parks in Colombia. The Suaza river also runs nearby and provides fresh water for cultivation and processing.  The high altitude and superb microclimate of Acevedo, Huila creates the ideal conditions for cultivating specialty coffees.  

    Rodrigo chose Geisha for this lot due to its outstanding cup quality, which is meticulously preserved throughout the entire process, from harvest to final production. 

    Cherry is selectively handpicked and processed on the farm. Once picked, cherry is floated and visually sorted to remove any underripes or damaged cherry. Only the best cherry is pulped and fermented. Following fermentation, parchment is washed in clean water and laid on parabolic beds to dry. Parchment is raked frequently to ensure even drying. It takes about 20 to 25 days for parchment to dry.  


    Geisha (also known as Gesha) is known for its exceptional cup quality, especially when grown at high altitudes. The variety comes from Ethiopian landrace coffees and was collected from Ethiopian coffee forests in the 1930s. The name supposedly derives from Ethiopia’s Gori Gesha forest.

    There is some confusion with several genetically distinct varieties that have all been called Geisha, but the most famous variety is the Panama one. The variety was brought to Lyamungu research station in Tanzania and from there to Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Central America in 1953. 


    Panama Geisha reached its modern fame in 2005 when a Geisha lot won the “Best of Panama” competition and broke contemporary records at over $20/pound. DNA analysis has demonstrated that the Panama Geisha descended from T2722 is distinct and uniform. Today, Geisha is known for its delicate florals, jasmine and stone fruit.